Gallery - 1980s_2
Adreno Lol this is definately no underwaternuke, in those experiments the ships were either thrown in the air a good few hunred feet or partially vaporized.. i'd say this is either a custom bomb or an...
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Hawkdriver Actually, this was taken at Baghdad (formerly Saddam Hussein) International. This and several other Iraqi Airlines aircraft were damaged on the ramp during the assault on the airfield
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Drake Wow I bet that thing would show up on real aviation tower radars lol. You could really fool some people when they see out in the distance a 747 on approach for the RC field!
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OX every one here are complete dumb asses, seriously it a fucking center line tank that is only jetted in an emergency dumb ass
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JAFO Edwards doesn't have trees like that... I mean, Edwards doeasn't have trees.
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Safety First Helmet...check! oxygen mask...check! windbreaker and sweat pants...check!
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JAFO OK, now that I'm thinking, how 'bout takin' the pilot out, and remote fly it like the Predator and see if it'l pull 12g's
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JAFO Did anyone even notice that the pilot left the falling seat and jumped with his own parachute?
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JAFO love the shockwave in the plane's skin just before point of impact
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Jafo So sad to see all those supersonic planes grounded for good.
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Down Under I reckon all you yanks and poms are just pissed cos youre not aussies...
View ArticleGallery - f18s
ex 122 6017 Unauthorised fuel cell epair on low point drain with incorrect rivets led to the pencil drain failing when the tanks were pressurized on take off. Blamed the PC because the CO authorised...
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